Just Buy Less Coffee, Answering the Deeper Questions of American Politics

Episode 145: #MasterDebater #SwiftWork #Kamalot

Troy Matthews and Cathy Cannon Season 6 Episode 1

Cathy and Troy are back and Troy is broadcasting from Spain, as Kamala Harris makes Swift work of Donald Trump in the 2nd presidential debate. We break down the highlights and lowlights and breathe a sigh of relief to once again have a candidate that can form a coherent sentence. She looked damn Presidential too.

Then Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala, rounding out one of the worst possible nights for Donald Trump.

And we reflect on the solemn anniversary of 9/11, and the infuriating tie to January 6th, as Trump supporters achieved what Al Qaeda never could: an attack on the U.S. capitol.

All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

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